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Before & After photos taken 2 days apart. The skin re-grew as did the hair.


Originally misdiagnosed as an abscess. The sole was trimmed so significantly  that when correctly diagnosed with founder, the coffin bone was ready to push through the floor of the sole. 

This is 45 days of  growth doing  an energy healing series in conjunction with traditional veterinary treatment.


A student learning Energy Healing at the Wild Horse Rescue Center in Florida.

Wholistic Energy Healing for Animals 


Over the years, Deb has created an energy work system specifically for animals, then expanded to the horse and rider team.


Releasing stress (emotional and physical) allowing a more focused, enjoyable, and successful participation in recreational events as well as shows and competitions. 


For Animals (In Person & Virtual Sessions Available)

Energy sessions can: 

  • Be used as a regular part of overall health and wellbeing. 

  • Release blocked and built-up energy from old injuries, life-events and illnesses.

  • Be added in addition to veterinary care/supervision to enhance healing.

  • Release pre-performance stress & anxiety.

  • Allow for post performance recuperation.

  • Assist in end-of-life care and transitioning.


For Humans (In Person Only)

Energy sessions can:

  • Release built-up energy, anxiety and stress from life.

  • Release pre-performance stress & anxiety.

  • Allow for continued energy whether you are riding multiple horses or classes in a single day or a multiple day competition.


** Sessions do not take place separately (ex: For the horse only.) Each session must be scheduled for both you and your horse.


A Session Includes: 

For You:

90 minutes of private energy work for you. Allowing for more relaxation. A proven way to release overall stress. Including show riding nervousness and anxiety and post-trauma  (fall/riding injury).

1 on 1 work. You are fully clothed and comfortably lay in a zero gravity chair.

**You must have a quiet location to have your session.


For Your Horse:

1 hour energy healing work on your horse. Helps with healing injuries, illnesses, chronic issues, non-optimal physical & emotional states and helps in recuperation during and after shows. ​

**You must have a stall or other private, quiet, secure area for Deb to work with your horse.




Healing Sessions


Healing sessions take between 1 to 2 hours. Repeated sessions may be needed based on the injury or illness as well as each individual animal.


**Healing sessions are never scheduled in lieu of veterinary treatment. Only in conjunction with it.

Energy Clearing and Animal Communication for Crossing Over the Rainbow Bridge


At some point, we must all say goodbye (for now), to our closest friends. Our pets. They are family, sometimes they take the place of human families. 


The bonds are no less sincere, deep or heartfelt between a human and animal than between two humans. 


If you must plan for your pet to cross over, I am available for energy clearing and communication readings for you both. Nothing needs to be left unsaid, by either of you.


In some instances, I have been asked to come to the farm or home and be there when someone's pet is crossing over.  To me, there is no greater gift of love than a person willing to put their heart aside for what is best for their pet/fur-family member, and there is no greater honor than being there and holding space for their transition, and holding their owner's hand afterward.

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