Deb Brosnan
Changing The World By Expanding Ours ™
Wholistic Animals
Wholistic refers to something as whole, complete, not fractured or fragmented.
Deb has been an animal communicator all her life. As a child, she not only loved being with and around animals but there was a space with them that was unique...acceptance without judgement.
Wholistic Animals -Acceptance without judgement.
Deb believes that when you learn to commune with the animals around you, your life shifts to an easier, happier place in every area of your life. Deb has learned that we as humans hold onto what we have done ‘wrong’ long after the event and the ripples of it. But through connecting with animals, the past is dismissed. Leaving only the brilliance of this moment.
Wouldn't you love to know that your pet is actually your co-conspirator in helping you create your best life? Did you know that they actually want more joy, more happiness, and more abundance for you than you want for yourself? In a life you both live together? Yes, they really have a lot to share with you to help you live a life of joy, laughter and happiness in all ways.
Will you come learn and share with the animals who are waiting for you to connect to a happier fuller life with them?
Deb teaches you how to create the space of mutual understanding on a much deeper level. To receive each other in a new way. To collaborate.
Animals are teachers who do not use words, but can teach more than any textbook. About life, caring, loving, and so much more. They can take you to an amazing new world if you let them.
- Deb Brosnan
Wouldn't you love to know that your pet is actually your co-conspirator in helping you create your best life? A life you both live together?
When you learn to commune with the animals around you, your life shifts to an easier, happier place in every area of your life. We as humans hold onto what we have done ‘wrong’ long after the event and the ripples of it. But through connecting with animals, the past is dismissed. Leaving only the brilliance of this moment, and all the possibilities of the future.
- Deb Brosnan
Imagine what happens if you use these tools and apply them to your whole life as well?
What amazing possibilities can you create?​
​Wholistic Animal Communication is:​
An invitation to help move you past drama and behaviors that limit you and your pet from having a happy, complete life.
An invitation to allow issues that you and your pet may have had for long periods of time to fade away with simple steps and consistent, committed work on your part. ​
An invitation to learn solid effective ways of communicating and creating (or re-creating in some cases) the relationships, rules, boundaries and flexibility that come with being a balanced, happy team. ​
Are you ready to change their world by expanding yours?