Deb Brosnan
Changing The World By Expanding Ours ™
Rapid Transformation for Riders
~ The Confident Rider ~
Confidence in Riding, isn't just your ability to ride well. The confidence is drawn from all areas of your life.
The Confident Rider System not only creates positive changes in your riding (for competitive and non-competitive riders). But the effects ripple into all areas of your life right away.
This isn't a wait and see program. This is a proven system to help you achieve fast, permanent results. Because as a rider, you need fast, permanent results NOW.
Your Internal Whisper (do any of these sound like yours?)
I am secretly scared of riding. But I pretend I'm not.
I am so scared to ride and I don't know why.
I want to trust my horse but I can't.
I'm always pulling on his/her mouth to slow them down and it never works.
I don't love/have never loved riding the way others seem to.
It's like I can't get my body to listen to me when I'm riding.
I get so nervous at shows I freeze or get physically ill.
I'll never be a good rider.
I'll never be good enough to ride professionally.
Since the riding accident, I just can't get over this fear I have.
I'm a terrible rider. I'm not like those other people who are 'natural riders'.
If I didn't love horses so much, I would never ride again.
About Me - I walked more than a mile in your shoes (and fears)!
When I was young, I began my riding career at a riding school that regularly brought in ex-racehorses into their lesson program for training to be resold as riding horses. There were only group lessons available - the rider's ages ranged from 7 to 70. Over-mounted and under-educated, I fell off horses A LOT. I grew into an anxious rider through my childhood and into my adult years.
I never gave up riding the horses I loved though. Through it all, the horses didn't give up on me either. They tolerated the fears and anxiety I tried to hide deep inside me.
Through trial and error I moved past my fears. But it was hard, and it took a large part of my lifetime to achieve.
When I became a licensed riding instructor, I seemed to naturally draw fearful, anxious and nervous riders to me. I understood them and created a safe space for them to learn and let go of their fears and rebuild their confidence.
BUT (I want change NOW...)
I wanted a faster, more successful, way to help my students permanently move past their anxiety and fear. I wished for them, the absolute joy of riding that they so desperately wanted for themselves.
You can permanently overcome your conscious mind (the source of your anxiety and fear), and be able to truly love riding again (or perhaps, for the first time). Even improve your ability to ride with confidence, balance, success, and joy.
Individualized sessions are available, via Skype and Zoom (worldwide)!
Walk Away from Fear, Anxiety and Nervousness
when Riding