Deb Brosnan
Changing The World By Expanding Ours ™
Why is the Horse Mindset Academy Different?
This slogan is the heart of what is created here:
Changing Their World by Expanding Ours
It's about connection. It's about understanding. It's about education.
The big things, the little things and how all things connect us or disconnect us from horses.
I've created the Horse Mindset Academy for horse owners, riders and horse lovers of all ages.
Over the past 25 years, teaching and training, there just weren't enough hours in the day to show people where the holes in people's horse skills were. They knew they had issues, they'd come to me for help. I wanted to offer so much more than just that short amount of time and knowledge.
That is when I decided it was time to create a place where people could learn, or re-learn how to care for, handle, and ride horses. On a schedule that worked for them.
To show people how to avert issues, injuries and endings I've seen throughout my career. Allowing them to create the opportunity for end-to-end harmony in their relationships with their horses.
(Click Below for more Information.)
Who I am - Deb Brosnan
How it began - Wholistic Riding
How it evolved - Wholistic Energy Healing for Equines
The Horse Mindset Academy
Koko - the Bodhisattva Mustang
When I met Koko, she was 4 and I was 27. (We are now 30 and 54.)
When we met, I knew she was special. (But what horse owner doesn't say that about their horse?)
A woman I met after adopting Koko, was a Reiki Master. When she met Koko she said, 'She's a Bodhisattva.' (I thought that was a type of mustang.)
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica:
Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who have put off entering paradise in order to help others attain enlightenment.
Koko is, quite simply The Bodhisattva Mustang. She is my teacher and the inspiration for Wholistic Riding and the Horse Mindset Academy.
She bridges the gap between 'wild' and 'domestic' behaviors on the ground and in the saddle.
She changes everyone who meets her. Without Koko, my life would have taken a very different path. My students' lives would have missed so much without her gift of teaching and showing the magic of mustangs.
My life would be smaller for not having learned from her. I think of all the humans, and horses who learned from what she has taught me (or from being part of her herd).
In the words of a great man who imparted his wisdom to me and set Koko and I on this path:
"Learn her language first, then ask her to learn yours. You cannot expect them to learn your way if you cannot understand theirs."
Everything she has taught me, is now here for you.